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HNT Gordon Handles for Accu-Burr

Regular price $24.99 Sale


These handles are designed and manufactured by HNT Gordon to fit the Accu-Burr™ Burnisher and are sold individually - they do not include the actual carbide burnisher rod which are available from Lee Valley.

Handle Specifications: 

The length of one handle is 90mm, with a 3/16" hole that allows the Accu-Burr™ rod to accurately fit. We sell the handles individually  to fit onto one or both sides of the rod depending on whether you prefer to have one handle or two.
The ferrule is 11mm brass, and the wooden handle has a 14-16mm diameter and turned from Gidgee, ebony or black and white ebony.

They fit comfortably in your hand and the raised section fits nicely between your first and second finger. You can glue the Accu-Burr™ in with a few drops of super glue, or the hole is a nice fit 20mm deep into the brass so you can just hold them on when being used.

Note that Qty 1 = 1 handle only and does not include the Accu-Burr carbide burnishing rod.