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Hamilton Toolworks Cherry Marking gauge from Canadian distributor Northwest Passage Tools

Hamilton Toolworks Marking Gauges

Regular price $75.99 Sale

Hamilton Toolworks have been handcrafting beautiful ergonomic marking gauges in Arkansas USA since 2005.  Their marking gauges are the ideal tool for laying out joinery, marking the thickness of boards, and other critical layout tasks. The marking gauge comes in two different sizes – 4” beam and larger 6” beam. The smaller size is perfect for laying out detail work such as hinge mortises and dovetails, while the 6” size is an all-purpose joinery and layout workhorse.

The distinctive “bat wing” shape of the head provides an ergonomic grip, allowing you to pull the fence tight into the workpiece using your whole hand. The fence is secured to the beam with a knurled brass knob that cinches the beam tight for reliable setting, while the wide fence provides a generous reference surface against the work piece for accurate layout.

The marking gauge is available in both fumed cherry and curly maple woods, in both sizes.  They have a beautiful oil varnish finish and include a brass wear strip on the face of the fence. The beam has a removable thumbnail shaped cutter for crisp layout lines that help cut across the grain rather than follow it.