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Tomé Fèteira 6 Piece Hand Cut Riffler Rasp Set

Regular price $124.99 $105.99 Sale

This set contains 6 hand cut riffler rasps made by Tomé Fèteira in Portugal.  They are about 200 mm (8") in length and all have a No. 3 (smooth) cut which gives a medium finish for rasps.  The shapes in the set include tapered flat, rectangular flat, half round, triangular, square and round.  Each one is hand cut and then hardened to between 63 and 64 Rc.

A very good set of rifflers for a reasonable price.

The Tomé Fèteira File Company was founded in 1856 by Joaquim Tomé Fèteira, and has grown to be a modern and diversified manufacturing plant with an established name in the file and rasp making industry.  This ties them with Auriou, as the oldest rasp and file manufacturers still in business today..  They are not only experts at crafting very good files and rasps, but they also share their expertise with other companies by marketing their line of forging machines, and also high frequency hardening and file sharpening systems.

Their factory is over 35,000 square meters in size and is located in the middle of Portugal, in Vieira de Leiria, one hour away from Lisbon.