All prices in Canadian Dollars. All sizes of Narex Richter Mortise Chisels and Paring Chisels now back in stock.

Hamilton Toolworks and Ulmia Tools

Hamilton Toolworks have been handcrafting beautiful ergonomic marking gauges in Arkansas USA since 2005.  Their marking gauges are the ideal tool for laying out joinery, marking the thickness of boards, and other critical layout tasks. The marking gauge comes in two different sizes – 4” beam and larger 6” beam. The smaller size is perfect for laying out detail work such as hinge mortises, while the 6” size is an all-purpose joinery and layout workhorse.


Ulmia have been making woodworking tools in Germany since 1888 and over the years their product line has expanded to include wooden-bodies hand planes, chisels, saws, measuring tools and workbenches.  We are particularly impressed with their Alu-Line series of try squares, miter squares, marking gauges and bevel gauges which have aluminum bodies inlaid with walnut wood and graduated hardened steel blades, include two adjustment screws and are very accurate (±0.02 mm/0.0008" over their length).


2 products